January 30, 2011

The Kid (1921)

I'm going to write a different sort of review this week.  It occurs to me that my past few attempts have basically just been summaries of the films, with little personal reaction.  So this week I'm taking the opposite tack - no summary, and all personal reaction.  That way if you want to see the film, you won't have the whole thing spoiled for you by reading these reviews.  :)

The Kid (1921)

If our previous films flew coach, this one came in first-class leather seats.  The print was so clean and crisp it looked three decades newer.  And 5.1 surround?  In a silent film?  Better to simulate a live orchestra, I suppose, so we went with it.  Only the best for renowned actor Charles Chaplin.  Actor/director Charles Chaplin.  Well, actor/director/producer actually.  And writer.  And editor.  And composer, eventually.  Probably would have cranked the camera too, if he could...